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Directions from the border
Directions from the West
Directions from the East


Gateway MTC
21233 - 32nd Avenue,
Langley, BC V2Z 2E7
Tel. +1.604.530-3208
Gateway is a division of
WEC International

Directions from the West

If you are coming from Vancouver and traveling East on the Trans-Canada Highway follow these directions:

Exit at 200th St. and go right (South) on 200th. At 72nd Ave. turn left (East). This road eventually turns and begins to run North and South - stay on it and it becomes 216th St. Stay on 216th St until you reach 32nd Ave. Turn right (West) on to 32nd Ave. and go to the end of the road - 21233 32nd Ave. is on the right hand side of the street and a sign saying "Gateway" is on the front lawn.

Please note: All Avenues run East and West and all Streets run North and South.